Perks of Turning Eighteen

2:29 AM

Hi there! Trix here. Well, as you guys can see, this is my first blog post. (Huraaaay!) I just turned Eighteen a month ago, so I've decided to feature my debut celebration here on my blog. Plus! I could also give you some simple tips based on my experience of having a debut party (redundant ei?), all you need to do is keep reading. 

My debut, was not that formal, and big like those with 100 -200 guests. Trust me, were not that rich. Those who have limited budgets on their debuts, I feel you! We had a short program organized by my bestfriends, ofcourse with the 18 roses, and 18 candles and stuff, and ate dinner. It was all casual, casual, casual! 

Some of my friends, surprised me or should I say, "embarrassed" me by making a slideshow of my pictures which they stole from my laptop! They even showed my videos when I was in third grade! 

The 18 candles were made up of the ladies closest to my heart, too bad the others weren't able to attend. It was the traditional way. They said they're wishes, lined and I blew the candles. For the 18 roses, we didn't dance because of the fact that I cant dance! So, I made a little twist. Instead, the boys danced "Whoops Kiri", "Gentleman", and my favorite, "Chacha Dabarkads". We laughed the night away.

Meet my Family.

College Friends.

Someone Special doing than Look-up Pose! You guys should try it.

Elementary and Bestfriends.

Now for the tips! Always remember, that it is your night. It is your party. It's all you darling. I prefer, you should be hands-on in choosing the theme; from the colors of the table cloth, the balloons, and of course what to wear! (I'll be talking about that later.)

Okay. There are a lot of options. You can hire an event organizer! With that, all you have to do is to choose your theme, pin-point what you want, and they'll prepare everything for you. That gives you more time to prep yourself! But, if your budget's not that enough for hiring one, you could always go hands-on. I bet, it's much more fun, plus you could be more creative.

Now, if you're not into "center-of-attraction-star-of-the-night-all-eyes-on-me" type of girl, here are my suggestions: 1) you could treat your friends to the beach or have a pool party. A getaway perhaps. Have those skins tanned, and sun-kissed! Bring those barbecues with you! You could even have a boodle-fight! What do you think? 2) KTV rooms are in this season. And, they're very much cheaper! Prices range from 1,500-4,000 pesos as of what I know, and CONSUMABLE. You guys could play games like beer pong, you could also play truth or dare, play pass the balloon that whoever is holding the balloon the moment the music stops, will sing! 3) you can also organize a slumber party! 4) a simple dinner date with your close friends at your favorite restaurant. If there too many of you guys, pick a restaurant that have VIP rooms.

Those are just suggestions guys. Everything is still up to you. If you're worrying about your budget, make sure you canvass, for you to estimate the expenses. You could also just invite you're closest friends, you don't have to pressure your self to invite everyone that invited you to their parties. Again, it's your party. Your decisions.

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